Friday, December 16, 2005

Oh, the joys of shopping!

[Fri 16 Dec 05 1330]
Well, since my last post here I've been to visit another couple of people. Wednesday was a deservedly quiet day. Thursday I went shopping. I don't really like shopping, but it wasn't too bad. Possibly because I was by myself and I had a fairly good idea of what I was buying before I left home. I got Christmas presents for most of the people I have to buy for. Then I had lunch with Joy and dropped her at work so I could steal (aka borrow) the car for the afternoon (which turned into evening and night). The plan was to hang out with Jen M in the afternoon. She needed (aka wanted) some new shoes from Hannahs so we went over to Palmy and hung out there and did some shopping. I helped her get stuff for herself and her family so that was cool. While we were at the Plaza we saw Mike H (Slippery Dick's brother) with Jamie M and Fran W. Mike got a supprise to see me and it was nice to catch up with him. Oh yeah, we wanted to go see Slippery Dick but he didn't txt us back; we think he was out of credit, and so forgive him. Also on our travels we saw Lucy C who lives in Christchurch now. She's doing well at uni and is really enjoying Chch life. After dropping Jenna home in Filly I went to New World (that's a supermarket - yes, we do have supermarkets) to see Mike H (another Mike H; it's hard not using last names sometimes). Unfortunately he wasn't there as he finished at 4pm not 6pm like I thought. I txt him and went to his place to hang out anyway. I had tea there and then we went to music practise for church Sunday morning. After that we went to Palmy to see some friends of his from Waikani (I think). We were going to go to the old abandonned meat works (aka slaughter house) and have some fun, but after some other events decided it'd be best not to. (Those other events aren't suitable for this blog. I may put them in my personal blog, but no promises.) I'm still in love with NZ skys. This morning I picked Geoff (my brother) up from the airport. (I was a bit late (as usual), but he said he didn't mind too much.) We've been hanging out this morning, buying each other stuff, and generally catching up, and now he and Joy are at [a thing I can't really talk about here; but nothing dodgy]. I'll be picking them/him up soonish; well when he calls or txts me acutally. Oh yeah, we saw some other people this morning too: Hannah B and Sam R. Sam's going to do Y One next year which will be awesome and Hannah is still Hannah. It was nice to catch up with all their family happenings. Anyway, I best be off. I've emails to write and then I expect to go get my sibling(s) in a short while.

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