Thursday, January 26, 2006

Camping by the river

[Thu 26 Jan 06 1400]
Well, I haven't really been home much this past week. On (last) Thursday, while playing board games with some of my friend's Auckland mates, I decided to go camping. So I txt lots of people and said to meet me in town the next day to go camping. As it turned out most of the people said that they couldn't. Some had good excuses, and others said that they would come visit, but it was going to be just Hayds & me, which was fine, but we would have been a bit bored, so we went and tried to steal Elliot. He was busy recording Dick's music video, so we got Sarah (who was originally unable to come, but we convinced her otherwise). We also tried to get Anna, but she wasn't home. So off we drove to Vinegar Hill and stayed the night there. It was dark by the time we arrived so we set up in the dark - suprisingly easy. We lay out under the stars for ages before going into our own seperate tents. Then people came to visit us on Saturday and we had a few swims before being scared away by some very dark clouds that started to spit on us. It turned out that they blew over just after we packed up camp. On our way back into town we got a txt from Kimmy who had just flown back from Aussie. So we turned up at her place, just to hang out and decided that we would go camping again, but with her instead. When her parents got home they wouldn't let her go using some excuse about needing to be in Wellington the next day. I quickly decided that we could go camping and still get Kim to Welly the next day by camping in or near Wellington. That worked out well because we have a (well actually several, but only one for this story) friend that's living there now. Aparently he doesn't have a lawn that we could put a tent up on so we unpacked most of our camping gear and headed down. Turned out that it was X-Air that weekend (Welly anniversary) so we went along to that and saw some stuff. We ended up staying in Wellington for three nights - a lot more than we were all intending. It was fun just hanging out down there. Their house is real close to town so we were in walking distance to almost everything. On Monday we went for a drive around the Heads and then over to the Botanical Gardens where we saw Roger Fox and a jazz band doing a sound check. Tuesday night we came back and saw a movie in town which was a lot funnier than we thought. Yesterday (Wed) I helped Joy pack up her room and start moving stuff from her current to new flat. During the afternoon I got a txt saying that Jordan was in town (he went to america when I came to NZ so we missed each other) so I went and hung out with them lot. That was fun, and later that evening I had tea with Hayds' family before crashing Derek's party. It turned out that it was a leaving party for two girls who are going back to England next week. That wasn't all that a great party so we left and watched a dvd at Hayden's place. This morning I haven't really done much - packing up my stuff and things. Tonight I've a farewell party for me so that will be fun.

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